- 2013-12-06 学术报告: An Excursion to my Research in Agronomy and Crop Stress Physiology
- 2013-11-28 青工委2013年系列学术报告
- 2013-11-15 学术报告: Fine root turnover: a story of root production and root phenology
- 2013-10-18 学术交流:中德双边会议预告
- 2013-10-14 学术交流:植物抗逆机理与盐渍资源持续利用国际学术会议
- 2013-07-30 学术报告: 植物免疫机理及减数分裂系列报告
- 2013-07-29 学术报告: 中国科学院重点实验室“农业水问题高层论坛”
- 2013-07-22 学术报告:MicroRNA found new battlefield: Arabidopsis microRNA inhibit protein translation on endoplasmic reticulum.
- 2013-07-09 学术报告:Sustainable Watershed Management and Water Environmental Restoration by Bio-eco Engineering
- 2013-07-02 学术报告: 陆地生态系统碳氮循环及其对全球变化的响应
- 2013-06-24 学术报告: A plant specific mediator associate protein, super apical domiance, regulates hormones signaling and pleiotropic development in rice
- 2013-06-07 学术报告: 植物光信号转导
- 2013-06-04 学术讲座:Illustrating the water-energy-land nexus, a case-study of California
- 2013-06-04 视频学术报告: 从植物的钾钠选择性到植物钾高效分子机理
- 2013-05-08 学术报告:Terrestrial Ecosystems Function lesson from "Extreme environments"