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学术会议:Symposium on Water Systems Analyses

发表日期:2016-05-27来源:放大 缩小



  报告人:Carolien Kroeze教授,杨永辉研究员,沈彦俊研究员,王仕琴研究员,闫丹博士,Maryna Strokal博士生,王梦茹博士生,李昂博士生 









  Carolien Kroeze,瓦赫宁根大学水系统和全球变化系教授,系主任。长期从事人类活动对全球气候变化、温室气体排放和水体富营养化的影响方面的研究工作,主要运用系统分析科学方法,例如模型,多标准分析,生命周期分析等等。研究开发了Global NEWS模型,该模型覆盖率全球5000多个流域的营养物流动情况,她已经将该模型运用于中国的17个大流域,并发表多篇相关学术文章。 


  1) Sattar, M. A., C. Kroeze, and M. Strokal. 2014. The increasing impact of food production on nutrient export by rivers to the Bay of Bengal 1970-2050. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 8:168-178. 

  2) van der Harst, E., J. Potting, and C. Kroeze. 2014. Multiple data sets and modelling choices in a comparative LCA of disposable beverage cups. Science of The Total Environment 494–495:129-143. 

  3) van der Wal, M., J. De Kraker, A. Offermans, C. Kroeze, P. A. Kirschner, and M. van Ittersum. 2014. Measuring Social Learning in Participatory Approaches to Natural Resource Management. Environmental Policy and Governance 24:1-15. 


  Maryna Strokal,瓦赫宁根大学博士生。长期从事流域尺度水体富营养化研究,基于Global NEWS模型开发了MARINA模型,分析中国子流域尺度水体富营养化情况。发表SCI文章近20篇。 


  1) Strokal M., Ma L., Bai Z., Luan S., Kroeze C., Oenema O., Velthof G., Zhang F. Alarming nutrient pollution of Chinese rivers as a result of agricultural transitions. Environmental Research Letters 2016; 11, 024014. 

  2) Strokal M., Kroeze C., Li L., Luan S., Wang H., Yang S., Zhang Y. Increasing dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus export by the Pearl River (Zhujiang): a modeling approach at the sub-basin scale to assess effective nutrient management. Biogeochemistry, 2015; 1-22. 

  3) Strokal M, Kroeze C. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Emissions from Human Waste in 1970-2050. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 2014; 9-10: 108-121 


  Dan Yan (闫丹),瓦赫宁根大学博士生。长期从事土地利用变化、地理信息系统和水资源管理研究,发表多篇SCI文章。 


  1) Yan D, Werners S E, Ludwig F, et al. Hydrological response to climate change: The Pearl River, China under different RCP scenarios [J]. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 2015, 4: 228-245. 

  2) Yan D, Schneider U A, Schmid E, et al. Interactions between land use change, regional development, and climate change in the Poyang Lake district from 1985 to 2035 [J]. Agricultural systems, 2013, 119: 10-21. 



  The program for the symposium on Water Systems Analyses  




08:30 - 08:40 

Prof. ChunshengHu 


08:40 - 09:10 

Prof Carolien Kroeze 

Water Systems and Global Change 

09:10 - 09:40 

Prof. Yonghui Yang 

Water system change in Haihe basin 

09:40 - 10:10 

Prof. Yanjun Shen 

Agriculture, hydrology, and water resources sustainability: from field to global scales 

10:10 - 10:30 Coffee/Tea break 

10:30 - 11:00 

Maryna Strokal 

TheMARINAmodel: Model description and results for China   

11:00 – 11:30 

Dan Yan 

Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for identifying robust water allocation plans under climate change 

11:30 - 12:00 

Prof. Shiqin Wang 

Integration of surface water-groundwater in three typical regions of North China Plain 

12:00 - 12:20 

Mengru Wang 

Nitrogen and Phosphorus Use Efficiencies and Water Pollution in China 

12:20 - 12:40 

Ang Li 

Sustainable pathways for nutrient use in agriculture in the Hai river basin (North China Plain) 


