2016.7--至今, 中国科学院遗传发育所农业资源研究中心,副研究员
研究内容包括: 土壤物理特性和过程定量化;土壤质量监控与提升技术;盐碱区土壤农艺改良与生态环境利用
1. 河北省自然科学基金:滨海盐碱区不同植被覆盖下土壤水盐时空动态及其平衡研究(D2017503016),主持
2. 中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项研究任务:苏打盐碱土结构障碍机理与消减机制研究(XDA280104031),主持
3. 国家重点研发计划子课题:新优耐盐碱植物抗盐种植与盐碱地生态修复技术研究(2016YFC0501303),主持
4. 国家重点研发计划研究任务:河北滨海平原咸水直灌减蒸集雨抑盐增产增效技术(2022YFD190010403),主持
5. 国家重点研发计划子课题:植物源有机酸土壤改良产品的研发与应用(2023YFD1902602),主持
6. 国家重点研发计划子课题:苏打盐碱地水盐运移的生物调控规律(2022YFD500501),主持
1. Zhaoqiang Ju, Sen Lu, Kai Guo, Xiaojing Liu. 2023. Changes in the thermal conductivity of soil with different salts. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 23:3376–3383.
2. Zhaoqiang Ju, Kai Guo, Xiaojing Liu. 2023. Modelling Thermal Conductivity on Salt-affected Soils and its Modification. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 185:108071.
3. Lixiao Ma, Zhaoqiang Ju, Yunying Fang, Tony Vancov, Qiqi Gao, Di Wu, Aiping Zhang, Yanan Wang, Chunsheng Hu, Wenliang Wu, Zhangliu Du. 2022. Soil warming and nitrogen addition facilitates lignin and microbial residues accrual in temperate agroecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 170:108693.
4. Zhaoqiang Ju, Hongyong Sun, Xiaojing Liu. 2020. Thermo-Time Domain Reflectometry to Evaluate Unsaturated Soils Contaminated with Nonaqueous Phase Liquids. Vadose Zone Journal. 19(1):e20016.
5. Sen Lu, Yili Lu, Wei Peng, Zhaoqiang Ju, Tusheng Ren. A generalized relationship between thermal conductivity and matric suction of soils. 2019. Geoderma, 337:491-497.
6. Zhaoqiang Ju, Zhangliu Du, Kai Guo, Xiaojing Liu. 2019. Irrigation with freezing saline water for 6 years alters salt ion distribution within soil aggregates. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 19(1), 97-105.
7. Zhaoqiang Ju, Chunsheng Hu. Experimental warming alters soil hydro-thermal properties and heat flux in a winter wheat field. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 2018. 64(5):718-730.
8. H. Sun, X. Zhang, X. Liu, X. Liu, Z. Ju and L. Shao. 2018. The long-term impact of irrigation on selected soil properties and grain production. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 73(3):310-320.
9. Ju Zhaoqiang, Li Xiaoxin, Hu Chunsheng. Water dynamics and groundwater recharge in a deep vadose zone. Water Science and Technology-Water Supply. 2016,16(3):579-586.
10. Liu LT, Hu CS, Yang PP, Ju ZQ, Olesen JE, Tang JW. 2016. Experimental warming-driven soil drying reduced N2O emissions from fertilized crop rotations of winter wheat-soybean/fallow, 2009-2014. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 219: 71-82.
11. Liu LT, Hu CS, Yang PP, Ju ZQ, Olesen JE, Tang JW. 2015. Effects of experimental warming and nitrogen addition on soil respiration and CH4 fluxes from crop rotations of winter wheat-soybean/fallow Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 207: 38-47
12. Liting Liu, Chunsheng Hu, Jørgen E. Olesen, Zhaoqiang Ju, Peipei Yang, Yuming Zhang. 2013. Warming and nitrogen fertilization effects on winter wheat yields in northern China varied between four years. Field Crops Research. 151 56–64.
13. Zhaoqiang Ju, Xiaona Liu, Xiaojing Liu. 2013. An improved calibration determining soil bulk density with time domain reflectometry. Communications in soil science and plant analysis. 44 (6): 1072-1079.
14. Hui Liu, Zhaoqiang Ju, Jörg Bachmann, Robert Horton, Tusheng Ren. 2012. Moisture-dependent Wettability of Artificial Hydrophobic Soils and Its Relevance for Soil Water Desorption Curves. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 76:342-349.
15. Zhaoqiang Ju, Tusheng Ren, Chunsheng Hu. 2011. Soil Thermal Conductivity as Influenced by Aggregation at Intermediate Water Contents. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 75:26–29.
16. Ju, Zhaoqiang, Liu, Xiaona, Ren, Tusheng, Hu, Chunsheng. 2010. Measuring Soil Water Content With Time Domain Reflectometry: An Improved Calibration Considering Soil Bulk Density. Soil Science. 175(10):469-473.
17. Ju Zhaoqiang, Hu Chunsheng, Zhang Yuming and Chen Suying. Effects of temperature rising on soil hydrothermal properties, winter wheat growth and yield. pp. 1307-1316. 9th European IFSA Symposium, 4-7 July 2010, Vienna (Austria) ISBN 978-3-200-01908-9.
18. Lu Sen, Ju Zhaoqiang, Tusheng Ren, and Robert Horton. 2009. A general approach to estimate soil water content from thermal inertia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149:1693-1698
19. Ju Zhaoqiang, Tusheng Ren, and Robert Horton. 2008. Influences of dichlorodimethylsilane treatment on soil hydrophobicity, thermal conductivity, and electrical conductivity. Soil Sci. 173(7): 425-432.
20. Ren Tusheng, Zhaoqiang Ju, Yuanshi Gong, and Robert Horton. 2005. Comparing heat-pulse and TDR soil water contents from thermo-TDR probes. Vadose Zone J. 1080-1086.
21. 巨兆强,董宝娣,孙宏勇,刘小京. 2016. 滨海低平原干旱区全膜覆土穴播冬小麦田水热特征和产量效应. 中国生态农业学报. 24(8):1088-1094
22. 陈福新,巨兆强,刘晓娜,钱天伟. 利用时域反射仪测定饱和砂土中非水相液体. 土壤. 2016, 48(2): 331–336
23. 巨兆强,刘小京. 2012.干旱盐碱地耕作方式改变对土壤特性的作物产量的影响.河北农业科学. 12:4-7.
24. 陆森,任图生,杨泱,孙世友,巨兆强. 2010. 多针热脉冲技术测定土壤热导率误差分析.农业工程学报,26(6):20-25.
25. 任图生,邵明安,巨兆强,Robert Horton.2004.利用热脉冲-时域反射技术测定土壤水热动态和物理参数I. 原理.土壤学报,41(2): 225-229.
26. 任图生,邵明安,巨兆强,Robert Horton.2004.利用热脉冲-时域反射技术测定土壤水热动态和物理参数II. 应用.土壤学报,41(4): 523-529.
27. Ren, T., T.E. Ochsner, R. Horton, and Z. Ju. 2003. Heat-Pulse Method for Soil Water Content Measurement. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 1631-1634.
(1) 巨兆强,刘小京,郭凯,封晓辉,张文胜,吴玉洁,朱可昕。一种利用柑桔橙柚类废弃物改良苏打盐碱土的方法。申请号JN202300099-01
(2) 刘小京,巨兆强,郭凯,封晓辉,张文胜,吴玉洁,朱可昕。一种苏打碱土的复合有机酸改良剂及其使用方法。申请号JN202300100-01
(3) 巨兆强,郭凯,刘毅,刘小京,封晓辉,张文胜。一种测定土体中油类污染物含量的方法。申请号JN202300101-01
(4) 郭凯; 封晓辉, 孙宏勇, 巨兆强, 刘小京。一种盐碱地秸秆交替深埋-回翻的培肥方法。CN202311115242.0
(5) 张文胜,刘小京,郭凯,封晓辉,巨兆强。一种低成本防止水面蒸发的覆盖装置,ZL202121881754.4
(6) 刘小京,张文胜,郭凯,封晓辉,巨兆强。一重盐碱地区利用野生盐生植物提取淡水的装置。ZL202122634352.0
(7) 郭凯, 封晓辉, 刘小京, 孙宏勇, 巨兆强.一种滨海盐碱地燕麦-青贮玉米周年轮作的种植方法. CN202211658596.5
(8) 郭凯, 封晓辉, 刘小京, 孙宏勇, 巨兆强.一种滨海盐碱地油菜-田菁周年轮作的种植方法.CN202211658897.8
(9) 郭凯, 封晓辉, 刘小京, 孙宏勇, 巨兆强.一种种植甜高粱改良滨海重盐碱地的方法. CN202211658900.6
(10) 封晓辉, 郭凯, 刘小京, 张文胜, 巨兆强, 张秀梅.一种滨海盐碱裸地建成獐毛草地的方法. CN202011501156.X
(11) 郭凯,刘小京,孙宏勇,巨兆强,封晓辉,一种改良滨海重盐碱地的方法,ZL201810765869.3
(12) 郭凯,刘小京,孙宏勇,巨兆强,封晓辉,一种改良滨海重盐碱地的方法,ZL201810764160.1
(13) 封晓辉,郭凯,刘小京,张秀梅,张文胜,巨兆强,一种重盐碱地利用咸水移栽出芽后柽柳大苗的方法, ZL201910908725.3
(14) 曹建生,刘小京,孙宏勇,巨兆强,刘毅。一种潜水蒸发自动测定系统及方法,发明专利,ZL201610867030.1。
(15) 曹建生,刘小京,孙宏勇,巨兆强,邵立威。一种亏缺灌溉自动控制系统及方法, ZL201610443908.9。
(16) 刘小京,张秀梅,郭凯,谢志霞,陈丽娜,巨兆强。滨海重盐碱地种植油葵的方法, ZL201110230955.2
(17) 刘小京,张秀梅,陈丽娜,谢志霞,巨兆强,郭凯。滨海重盐碱地种植甜菜的方法, ZL201110231088.4
(18) 刘小京,张秀梅,郭凯,谢志霞,巨兆强,杨莉琳。滨海重盐碱地种植甜高粱的方法, ZL201110231070.4
(19) 巨兆强,王学虎,魏新燕,刘小京,谢志霞,刘毅。一种提高小麦产量的组合物、其制备方法及其应用, ZL 2011 1 0416176.1