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论文题目 Anthropogenic N input increases global warming potential by awakening the sleeping ancient C in deep critical zones
作  者 秦树平,袁海静、胡春胜、李晓欣、王玉英、张玉铭、董文旭、Clough, Timothy; Luo, Jiafa; Zhou, Shungui; Wrage-Moennig, Nicole; 马林; Oenema, Oene;
发表年度 2023
卷、期、页码 9; 6;
论文摘要 Even a small net increase in soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization will cause a substantial increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration. It is widely recognized that the SOC mineralization within deep critical zones (2 to 12 m depth) is slower and much less influenced by anthropogenic disturbance when compared to that of surface soil. Here, we showed that 20 years of nitrogen (N) fertilization enriched a deep critical zone with nitrate, almost doubling the SOC mineralization rate. This result was supported by corresponding increases in the ex-pressions of functional genes typical of recalcitrant SOC degradation and enzyme activities. The CO2 released and the SOC had a similar 14C age (6000 to 10,000 years before the present). Our results indicate that N fertil-ization of crops may enhance CO2 emissions from deep critical zones to the atmosphere through a previously disregarded mechanism. This provides another reason for markedly improving N management in fertilized ag-ricultural soils. 
全文链接 http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.add0041