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论文题目 Metagenomics reveals taxon-specific responses of the nitrogen-cycling microbial community to long-term nitrogen fertilization
作  者 Sun, RB (孙瑞波); Wang, FH (王凤花); Hu, CS (胡春胜); Liu, BB (刘彬彬);
发表年度 2021
卷、期、页码 156; ; 文献号: 108214

Excessive nitrogen (N) fertilization in agricultural ecosystems strongly affects microbial N-cycling processes in soil. However, a comprehensive understanding of how microorganisms involved in each N transformation process respond to long-term N input is lacking. Here, using metagenomic sequencing combined with the direct assembly of N-cycling genes, we found that long-term N fertilization elevated the abundance of the microorganisms involved in most N-transforming processes but decre ased that of N-fixing assemblages. The composition of the microbial groups involved in each N-transforming process was altered by fertilization, even though the abundance of several functional genes was not significantly changed. The relative abundance of microbial genera participating in the same step of N-cycling processes correlated with different soil properties, suggesting niche separation of these N-cycling taxa. Our results also indicated that the different responses to N fertilization exhibited by the taxa within the same functional group may be important for sustaining microbial nitrogen cycling in complex and dynamic environments.

全文链接 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2021.108214