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论文题目 Multifunctional genes: the cross-talk among the regulation networks of abiotic stress responses
作  者 X.J. HU(胡晓君)*, Z.B. ZHANG(张正斌), P. XU(徐萍), Z.Y. FU(付振燕)S.B. HU and W.Y. SONG;
发表年度 2010
卷、期、页码 54; (2); 213-223

 Unfavourable environment brings many kinds of stresses to plants. To survive such stresses, efficient resistance is required for the plants. Multifunctional genes enable the cross-talk among the various abiotic stress resistance systems. This paper reviews the action mechanisms of multifunctional genes. These genes can be classified into three groups: genes encoding diverse proteins through mRNA splicing (e.g. AOX in rice); genes like BADH, P5CS and HAV that control drought, salinity, osmotic and heat stress resistance; and a gene family, for example AQP, controlling transport of many compounds including water and nutrients. These genes participate in signal sensing and transduction, transcriptional regulation and functional gene activation during stress resistance induction. Furthermore, it should be noted that, under abiotic stresses, the regulation cascades are mutually interdependent and there also exists a close correlation between those cascades and normal plant growth and development.

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